Rossetti's Wapping Wombat

As someone who attempts  brand himself as a Renaissance Man (albeit I accept that realistically I should identify more with Danny DeVito and less with Leonardo da Vinci) I take interest in a wide range of subjects. A combination of  having a relative who is obsessed with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and spending multiple weeks a year on audit in Birmingham where there is a large collection of Pre-Raphaelite work has meant that I have an unintentional awareness and appreciation for their works.

So I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Wapping's own Charles Jamrach (best known from the eponymous book Jamrach's Menagerie, which I own but have never got round to reading) supplied Dante Gabriel Rossetti, one of the Brotherhood, with animals and those included a wombat*, which was named Top, after his similarity to William Morris (nicknamed Topsy after the character in Uncle Tom's Cabin for his unruly hair). Top and Mrs Morris (with whom Rossetti had a long affair) appeared together in a sketch.

Rossetti described Top as ‘a Joy, a Triumph, a Delight, a Madness'. Unfortunately he died but two months later either as a result of mange or possibly from eating a box of cigars. However, such was his love for the wombat (and probably the price) he had Top stuffed.

So, Wapping may be a cultural desert but it was a gateway to fantastic animals!

Rossetti's own
drawing of his mourning

Rossetti's wombat
sat in his master's lap.
William Bell Scott

Mrs Morris
and the wombat
*As a further admission, I must reveal that I am renowned from my triptych of Australian animal impressions: kangaroo, koala and wombat.


  1. Hi
    as a Pre Raphaelites fan good to see the wombat featured in your post! Have you read John Simon's book Rossettis Wombat?
    I tried to find the Jamrach sculpture when in Wapping recently but couldn't gain access to Tobacco Dock. See my Wapping and Wiltons blog post here

    1. Hi Anne Thanks for the comment. My mother in law (aforementioned relative) has it so may borrow it. Every time I read something about one of the Brotherhood I find something fascinating.

      There is occasionally an event on to have the opportunity to get chance to look round for not too much expense


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