Crafting for charity

For a while I've been casting around to do something worthwhile and volunteer my services.  After some false starts and stoney  silences having offered my services in general maintenance,  educational support and even bereavement support I've found a local charity which has accepted my application to be their treasurer.

The charity is I think, happy to have an accountant to assist with matters financial and I'm pleased to be able to combine my core skills with a charity that I think is a worthwhile cause.

Donating time and skills is a crucial thing to do; giving up time for free allows a charity to avoid having to spend cash. However,  most charities cannot operate without cash to pay bills,  staff and funding their charitable work. But not everyone has spare cash.  

The cost to me of donating my leisure time is less than the satisfaction and personal gratification I get - perhaps I embody selfish altruism.  Donating my money is trickier- as I doubt my mortgage provider would let me pay them in kind.  I make modest donations each year to a number of charities - local,  regional and national but I know it's a drop in the ocean compared to the ills of the World. 

So,  to combine something I enjoy doing in my leisure time,  I'll be making a set of linocut prints of local landmarks,  with the proceeds going to charity. I won't be the next Getty but I'll be doing something. 

If you have suggestions for charities to support, or landmarks to capture  get in touch. 


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