Numbers of bedrooms across Tower Hamlets

Some interesting data on the number of bedrooms that properties have across Tower Hamlets from the Census.

Across all of Tower Hamlets, 30 per cent of residential properties have one bedroom, just over 40 per cent have two bedrooms and 20 per cent have three bedrooms. 

So in all of LBTH around 70 per cent of properties are one or two bed. In St Kats & Wapping this is nearly 80 per cent. A key driver of this difference is the relative number of two and three bedroom properties.

Over in Bow West, less than 60 per cent of properties have one or two bedrooms - there is clearly some variation in the mix of housing stock in different areas.

Looking wide afield, at London and England, we can see that the property mix LBTH and Wapping is very different, not only to England as a whole, but also to London. In Wapping just under 80 per cent of properties are one or two bed, whereas in London this figure drops to just over 50 per cent and in England to 40 per cent.

Clearly if you are in need of more rooms, logic dictates that you are less likely to find them in Wapping than most other places.


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