London Docks and The Old Rose

Having realised I had been arsing about and never quite getting round to finishing my response to the London Dock planning consultation, I bit the bullet, deleted ten pages of rambling and sent the damn thing off. You can read it here. It's not quite as polished or complete as I wanted, but I've got some issues that were swirling round my head onto paper so to speak.

To continue my busybody lifestyle, I've also commented on a planning application for a wraparound mesh and advertising board to go over scaffolding at The Old Rose Pub on The Highway. I only commented as I thought it odd to apply for permission for the wrap-around before applying for planning permission to develop the site, or for the scaffolding it would sit on. What it seems like me is a developer trying to generate some cash before thinking about actually undertaking the development - why else would you put in an application for a bit of fabric and (ahem) an advertising board on one of the busiest roads in London.

Interestingly the application eludes to the ultimate demolition of the pub with a redevelopment, though fortunately the fascia will remain. Details on LBTH's website here.

My comments (including spelling mistakes!) are shown below.

I have no issue with the principal of the screen/mesh. I however make some observations.

Given that planning permission for the project hasn't been granted or applied for, the application seems to be premature. Similarly there is, it appears no application for scaffolding.

My understanding is that the HSE's guide to Working at height requires scaffolding platforms to be 4 boards wide, and under British standards a scaffolding board is 225mm wide, which makes me question if the application is appropriate given it states the mesh will be at most 500mm from the wall.

It appears to me that this is purely an advertising board by another name, and should be treated as such. This is clear from the request for a 5 year period with no intended start date for construction. It is not clear how an advertising board would be more sympathetic to the conservation area than if was a plain mesh.

If the permission was contingent on planning permission for the development being granted I would have no objection.

As a shameless advert, remember that you can look up current planning applications in St Kats and Wapping on my planning application page here. It ain't pretty but it works more effectively than LBTH's website.


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