Cllr Denise Jones' objections to licence variation

Provided in response to my own letter of objection

Objection to any variation of the licence  at Studio Spaces, 110 Pennington Street London E1W 2BB to allow the sale of alcohol and the provision of entertainment from midnight to 7 am  Thursdays to Saturdays.

I have recently been contacted by numerous residents (names and addresses can be provided) who live in the vicinity of Studio Spaces, 110 Pennington Street.  Some residents have already submitted to the Licensing Department objections to the extension of the entertainment and alcohol licence from midnight to 7 am at these premises and I would like to object on the behalf of other residents who have not yet contacted the council.

It may seem when looking at a map that situating a night club in a location next to an empty Tobacco Dock and the previous News International site would mean that there would be no residents to disturb with noise and possible anti social behaviour. But on the north side of Pennington Street immediately surrounding the night club there are numerous dwellings, Pennington Court, Telfords yard, Breezers Court, Artichoke Hill and others with more that 200 residents on the electoral register, excluding those not eligible or too young to be registered.
On Wapping Lane and to the south of Tobacco Dock all the area is residential. London Docks, the old news international site on Pennington Street will also be predominantly residential in a few years time.

It is important to note that Pennington Street is one of 3 venues in Wapping currently identified by the Safer Neighbourhood Team who have made arrests connected with drug dealing and general anti social behaviour.

Two previous night clubs, Copyright and Mangos,  have operated in the last few years at 110 Pennington Street  and were closed due to anti social behaviour. A witness statement was provided to the council in January 2010 from a member of the Pennington Street Resident's Association as a result of late night problems and I submitted a members enquiry with a complaint at the time.  I was again contacted back in August 2012 by residents complaining on the grounds of music - bass vibration disturbing sleep from inside the club between 3 am and 7 am and from cars, shouting, loitering, urinating in the street and vomiting on steps to flats.

Based on information from residents at several addresses adjacent to Pennington Street at Telfords Yard, 2 Artichoke Hill, 22 Breezer's Court I am objecting on the grounds of:

1)  Public Nuisance

Experience of noise reported to Wapping Police Noise Nuisance Dept from the venue's bass
Shouting from those frequenting the venue.
Residents witnessing fights outside the bedroom window,
Cars screeching along the street at unsafe speeds with stereos at full volume
Males urinating on basement windows
Litter left in the street- fast food boxes from the 24 hour takeaways on the Highway (Macdonalds,) and empty bottles

2)  Public Safety
Residents frightened to walk past groups of drinkers often sitting at entrances to the flats, drinking and swearing.
Drug dealers dealing from car windows at all time of day and night without regard to onlookers

3)  Protection of children from harm
There is an all day Nursery at the top of Wapping Lane opposite the entrance to Pennington Street that opens early. An extended licence to 7 am risks a cross over of working parents taking babies and under fives to the nursery with clubbers who have been drinking all night leaving the night club.
Men urinating against walls and on residents basement windows, exposing themselves.

4) Prevention of Crime and Disorder
 Residents have witnessed broken car windows, and a glass front door was smashed.
There is drug dealing from cars in Pennington Street and Chigwell Hill throughout the nights.

If the recommendation is to approve this application I hope members will consider all the points made by residents and take into account the action being taken by police in Pennington Street and refuse it.

Councillor Denise Jones
St Katharine's and Wapping Ward.


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